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The process for registering your child at the Flatwater Bank Early Learning Center is as follows:


Part-time Preschool:

  1. Print the "PT Preschool Form" at the right

  2. Print or review the Parent Handbook

  3. Return completed and signed form

  4. Include a $50 registration/materials fee per child with the form (checks payable to "Gothenburg Impact Center")

  5. Return form and payment to the FBELC Office (902 12th Street)​​


New families not currently at a local center:

  1. Review the Parent Handbook

  2. Return a completed and signed Registration Form

  3. Include a check for two weeks' care (click to view current rates) to reserve the spot (checks payable to "Gothenburg Impact Center")

  4. Return form and payment to the Flatwater Bank Early Learning Center office​

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